[eRepOlympics] Announcing the 2014 Winter eRep Olympics (REPUBLISHED)

Day 2,268, 11:20 Published in India India by Terciopelo

Hello citizens of eIndia....o7
I am republishing an article below related to Winter eRep Olympics in eIndia so that eIndians are made aware of it and can participate and maybe even win some events. Hope you guys participate and have some fun!!!

The original writer of this article is The Wild Card. Contact him for further details.The original article can be referred HERE.

I come to you all today to announce the biggest thing I've ever tried in my life. If this works it will be a major success. If it fails, then I will become known as the person who failed.

When: February 7th until February 22nd

What: A competition to end all competitions. Over 200 Gold in prizes is up for grabs during the 2 weeks of competition.

Teams will compete to take home the Gold medal in daily, weekly and overall competitions. The competitions will be outlined below and in the following days each event will receive a full coverage article.

The Competitions

Entry fee: 1 Gold per team

Sign up: Form is here

Units of 5 members signed up will compete against other members of teams to see who can rack up the best military experience during the competition. Total Tank Count, Influence, and Participation will be counted.

There will be a sign in sheet for each member participating, daily. Records will be kept via eGov4You. The participating members will be judged on their kill count and influence. Kills per member and influence per member will be based off of the numbers your unit has at the time of entry. 4 bi-weekly prize will also be awarded.

Participants will will compete against their own divisions.

Sign in is 60% of your score. Every other component is 20%.

Scaventer hunt
Entry Fee: 5 USD per player

For individuals, we will host a weekly scavenger hunt. Through out the week clues will appear in this newspaper that will lead you to an offsite page, an image, or possibly another newspaper in eRepublik. Follow those clues until you get to the link that will guide you to a form to fill out. Clues will be provided at 11:00 eRep time. Some clues will have a time and date for you to return to continue the scavenger hunt.

Prizes will be given out to the first 10 to fill out the form and grand champions will be awarded based on how you finish for all the hunts.

Trivia Nights
Entry Fee: 10 USD per player

For individuals, there will be a trivia night on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the competition. The top 10 players will win prizes each night. Rounds will start at 17:00 eRep time.

Some rounds will last as little as 30 minutes, some will be 2 hours, some will last 4 hours, and some will last 24 hours!

All trivia will be hosted on the Rizon network of IRC in the room #USWP-Trivia and a leaderboard will be posted in there once the competition begins.

While I will be funding this on my own and am ready to put up more than enough to make this work, donations are appreciated. Money, GOLD and Q7 weapons will be the prizes, so if you'd like to make a donation of any of these things please feel free to do so.

Major donors will be represented in future articles and if you'd like to sponsor a competition please feel free offer what you feel is fair.