[eNi-Gov] Thanking + Updates

Day 2,420, 11:17 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

*Later will be published an article under the MoFA banner adressed to the eWorld.*

Hello eNigeria,

I'm totaly thankful for the trust you all are giving to me. I am honored to be elected as your coun=try president, this time in a better way. It was tough, but the majority made its choice for this coming month. I promise to try not to waste and ruin the hopes and faith you have in me. One step made, now I have more time for myself to work and for my team to give their best as well, I hope to serve you and give you the best for this upcoming month.

Let's talk about the cabinet, as it changed as I expected it to.
Not much changed but the Minister of defence that totaly has been re-shaped with K1tho and Oothere at its head to give you updated battle orders and their best in any task they have to accomplish.

Talking about battle orders, please, be aware you can find the updated ones on IRC at #eNigeria on Rizon server. But also on the forum in the "Republic of Nigeria" forum. The MoD team and I will also shout orders when there are some.

On the same topic, I am still looking for a Minister of Education so if any of you is already having some knowledges/skills for this job, please contact me.


Now let's talk about what happens around in Nigeria, yesterday, a rogue NE proposal has been launched against Greece. I immediatly used it as a test to see how much congressmen are conscious and good willing to listen. I have to say, I am impressed 18 of you did vote NO as I adviced to and it made the difference against the 7 YES.
I am grateful to the good will you have, even though this NE law would not really place us in a terrible situation (in the terms for little countries, it's written that our capital is protected for a while so no risk for us to be wiped), I reacted as a test and it succeeded.

Right now, we're having a RW going on and I advice all of you to fight in :

With the new présidents and governments in every country of eRepublik and plenty of time in front of us, I'm going to contact Greece first to have negociation and see whether we can get back the régions they took, I'll keep you updated about this very soon so stay tuned.

I'll also have a new MPP to propose to you so be prepared, it laready had been discussed.


I am sad to say that, regarding the only entry of the contest I opened, I'm forced to cancel it because it wouldn't make much sense.

Maybe this one wasn't really attractive to you, I might come back to you, community, with something fresh and this time, military, pretty soon, hoping for you to take part of it. We need to gather and have fun together!


Here we are for now, I recall that every eNigerians or any player willing to be in touch with us can find us on IRC at #eNigeria on Rizon server, here's a mibbit link:

I am open to any suggestions, proposals and questions you would have.

One more time, thank you and have all a great week ahead !
