[eNi-Gov] Government updates #2

Day 2,418, 07:19 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

**Please before doing anything, subscribe to the eNigerian official newspaper !

Hey eNigeria,

This is Alex writting, so as you can see I am really glad to come to you with our organisation given back. So now we can start using it to write article, that'll be the way to make them official. For the moment, considering the low fund being on the organisation,there's no really possibilities to spread and make enough money for me to offer you great events like raids and big contests. That's why I make a call to any very skilled player in spreading, please if you are interested, contact me to work as a Minister of Economy for eNigeria, thank you in advance.

So what's up ? Yeah, days go and things seem to go so slowly, I know it, I feel it as well. First tomorrow you will be able to elect the next president of eNigeria, I personaly re-confirm I am candidating for real to keep working for you all eNigerians. Make your choice depending on what you think is right and let it be fair play !

Talking about the forum now, we're still all waiting for Nelkosan come back.. It seems he might be on vacation or something because he logged on to support me in the elections some days ago. The waiting is costing us much time but hopefully things will get fix soon about this.

In the previous article I've asked to all of you people, to tell me when you would be free for any event like a party on IRC, I didn't get much answer, just one. I really want to make you all having fun and I need your hands on that, you are what will make this community alive. So please, I ask it again, could you write down in the comment what would be for you the best time for such an event ? Thank you in advance.

Military speaking now, few days ago we had a RW going on, a chance to free one region. It seems Argentina really does not want to let it go. Even with plenty of battles on, they settled us as a Campaign of the Day:

We've yet tried hard with the help of some friends:

But still they started setting a CO against us and for no reason since we are not really a vital bonus to them:

And it seems that, they officialy do not want to let us go, here one of the shouts I captured that day:

(I'm making it Anonymous so the concerned player doesn't get annoyed or else...)

Anyway, do not worry, we still have other chances, it was close ! And we will try hard altogether !

Between, on another topic, I hope you are enjoying our first MPP signed with Russia, we're curently staying in touch with them, they are great and expect more to come !


Concerning the press contest, I count only one entry for it and is from VeskoP, please note it ends on the end of the day 2420. I recall all of you the theme:

"I organize a Press Contest which will take place starting from now till the end of Sunday 6th of July. Any participant will have to write an article in wich they tell how they see eNigeria's future. It can be chaotic, rational, poetic, science-fiction,... The best stories will be picked up and their authors will be rewarded. Three judges will vote for the 3 best articles and the rewards will follow as such:

- 1st place: 50 Q7 tanks
- 2nd place: 25 Q7 tanks
- 3rd place: 15 Q7 tanks

Rules to be eligible for the contest:
- You must be a eNigerian citizen.
- You must write the story in only one article published in Nigerian press.
- You must respect the given theme.
- You must use english only.
- You must not copy other's stories.
- Judges must not participate to the contest."


Here's it for today, I hope to be the next to write to you again, as always I remind I am open to questions, suggestions, you can message me anytime.

Have fun and a good day eNigeria!
