[eIre CP] About the Chinese airstrike

Day 3,945, 08:52 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear citizens of eIreland,

As you know China proposed AS against Ireland that has passed. What can be the likely motives of this attack and what can we expect?

First, we do not know and the Chinese never answer any question so it can be anything, but there are more and less likely reasons and destinations for this airstrike.

1. The most likely scenario that we expect is that they will land on our newly acquired Slovakian regions and the reason is to join the Poland war on Polish side by attacking Croatia. We should know how these wars work. Since the mechanism of the legend ranks that give damage bonus only if a citizen fights for his own country, helping allies through MPP is less common now. Allies help each other by directly attacking the enemy of their ally so that they can use the damage bonus that the legend rank gives. This is why in the Poland war Poland's allies do not help Poland through MPP, but similarly to the China war last month they go to the war scene and attack directly.

2. Another scenario can be that they land on the Slovakian regions and attack Hungary. This came to my mind only because the Asteria wanted to occupy Hungary but the determination in the new system went high for Romania and Serbia, and Slovenia wasn't able to keep Hungary deleted. But this is less likely.

3. Third scenario is that they will come to the core regions of Ireland. This is the less likely and obviously we cannot make such connection between the Slovakian AS and this attack that the former was a provocation that has led to the latter since we were invited by Slovakia to their regions.

But what will happen we will see soon.

Thank you for reading

CP of eIreland