[ÉA] Dáil Application Time

Day 1,979, 09:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian E CoIeman

Est. 2010
April 21, 2013

Hello to all members of Éire Aonair,

We are quickly approaching the 25th of April, which means elections for Dáil are right around the corner. If you would like to represent ÉA as a congress member this term I invite you to fill out this application:

Don't be afraid to apply! And remember the 25th is soon so don't wait!

Selection System

Each candidate's application will be rated from 1-5 by myself and the four other leaders of Éire Aonair. These scores will be averaged and will be the bases for deciding the order of candidates that appear on our ballot.

Our goal in the selection process will be to give priority to candidates based on merit. We want to provide eIreland with a responsible, cooperative, and knowledgable congress.

Ian E Coleman