[CP] To Stop the Polish Menace [CP]

Day 1,521, 12:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis
Dear citizens,

Our nation is at great danger. The Polish soldiers have gathered themselves and are bound to take revenge on West-Europe and occupy it once again. They’ve started an attack on our friendly neighbour Germany who, like us, continuously fight for it’s freedom. The Polish have already overrun much of East-Germany and they will certainly not stop before they’ve reached the North Sea once again. We’ve closed our eyes for the Polish danger for too long, we must act immediately NOW! That’s why all priorities will be put on defending Germany’s freedom, which effectively means a free eNetherlands too.

We urge all our citizens to fight for their freedom. I have decided to immediately hand out supplies to our citizens from this moment on, as long as Poland shows it’s hostile intentions regarding West-Europe. We will NOT stand by and see our nations falling once again. We’ve tasted what liberty feels like and have decided we’ll keep it for a while. We call out to our allies and friends to help us to stop the Polish onslaught.

We request all Dutch soldiers to use IRC and request supplies, in order to have a coordinated and strong defense to help our German friends. All Dutch soldiers are called upon to join #nl-army, to receive orders and supplies.

Use this link to visit #nl-army immediately

Hey Poland, you've left some Vodka when you fled the eNetherlands..

Luckily, The Orange Legion has been set free to keep watch over them and our borders!


This was your president speaking,