[CoS] Gov Update

Day 1,831, 22:14 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

[Cos] Update

Of all I am fair and since I flamed the DoD for failure to release an article on time just over a week ago I must now shame the MoFA and DoD departments again. Pick it up boys.

Since that is the case I guess I need to cover for them 😉

Ok... MoFA update : Our allies have proven to be great assistance to us over the past battles and indeed look forward to the battles to come. With our MPP stack slowly growing from 9 to a more presentable 16. The list is growing daily as more send MPP requests, or respond to our own. I believe we have gone well above what was expected in this department and look forward to seeing the end result... backing 20 mpp's myself but who knows.

DoD : Battles battles and more battles, you win some, you lose some. That's just the way the game is played. We discovered a weak point in Chile today, a chink in their armour and will be seeking to exploit this in coming battles both to help our allies and continue the liberation of eAus.

The battles for eAus have been awesome the damage done phenomenal... the numbers are truly mind blowing. We will forever be in debt to our soldiers, those that came from overseas and the silent heroes, those in the #Brostralia supply room who spend countless hours making sure the warriors have enough supplies, and the influence is going where needed.

Senate Election : It is a surprise to all of us that we managed to pull this off. Come tomorrow eAus will go into the first Senate elections in many months. This has come at great cost to many, and some hard calls had to be made... those of you with an eye on the papers will know what I am talking about but the facts are simple.

The GGP refused to participate in ATO action, they cannot sit back now and claim to have been unfairly treated when they had the option to be involved. A huge thank you goes to the ATO people who allowed us (the Gov) to focus on the battles while they attended to protecting the political integrity of the nation.

I wish luck to all top 5 parties and hope that the new breed of Senators make the necessary changes to our enation.

That's about it for now.

Daaenerys...something about Dragons?
Player formerly known as Larni