[Casus Belli] EDEN is crumbling - EDIT

Day 1,850, 08:46 Published in India Croatia by Vladimir Alexei

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So todays story is about EDEN (Erepublik Defence & Economy Network) eRepublik military alliance formed in 2009 after dissolvment of ATLANTIS. It has been arround for 3 years and currently its the oldest alliance in eWorld. But in the last few months, things are not working as they should and I must say that EDEN is the walking dead...

As every other alliance in eWorld EDEN was created to defend and attack when its necessary. PEACE, the strongest alliance in those times, had to be stopped so the "other" nations had to unite and fight back. After founding members of PEACE decided to dissolve it and continue along, EDEN still stood and never had intention to actually destroy "The Brotherhood".

But as we can see, winds are changing and only 3 founding members remaining and they are: Croatia, Romania and Norway (which is kind of dead).

The Iron Agreement - the end of EDEN

Romania and Hungary made one agreement involving region of Bukovina and iron resource that Romanians need. Bukovina is core region of Ukraine (some say its a country but was not free for about half a year) which is full member of EDEN. So without Ukrainian knowledge and acceptation, Romania is renting hungary occupied region of Bukovina, which is against EDEN policy.

Heres the agreement:

1. Hungary offer to rent Bukovina for 70.000 CC/month (the rent will be payd from private funds)
2. Romania eligible to rent Bukovina region to 07/01/2013.
3. This agreement can be extended with an appendix that be signed by both CPs.
4. This agreement will be unfolded if Hungary will broke the Timisoara Agreement.
5. This agreement will overwrite the Timisoara Agreement at the time when Romania put NE on Hungary to reach the control of Bukovina.
6. When Bukovina is controlled by Romania both sides will need to use the terms of Timisoara Agreement.
7. Romania have to donate the monthly renting cost to eMagyar Nemzeti Bank (http://www.erepublik.com/en/economy/citizen-accounts/1267102) in two pieces. First will become due after signing the agreement, and the second will become due when Romania conquer Bukovina region.
8. After Romania put NE on Hungary they will wait at least 24 hours, after that they put attack manually to have battle in Bukovina (the battle for Bukovina can started at 20:15 12/10/2012). After they conquer Bukovina they will wait the auto attack time, and before auto attack they will attack Northern Great Plain region manually. But in Northern Great Plains region they can not win.
9. After the 7 days limit will expire Romania will propose No NE law, after this the two country will sign peace treaty.

So what does this mean? EDEN member is not respecting the politics of its own alliance. I`m not judgamential or anything like that, I respect Romania and actually I`m honored to be in the same alliance with them, but its still shameful.

Hungary and Romania are good friends, even in RL they share some links and always dreamed about combined alliance, even they are big enemies in the game. There were some talks between Hungary, Poland (including Spain) and Romania about forming ONE (before its formed ofcourse) and Romania had to withdraw as they couldnt betray EDEN in that time.

EDEN officials ofcourse [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall1-2172497/1/20had to react[/url] but they have no power. They said that they will check what happened and will take proper measures, but who will drag Romanians to court? Jedi Warriors?

Referendum about EDEN membership

Long before there were talks about Ireland leaving EDEN and joining another alliance. Ireland is great friend of India and we were helping each other in so many wars that I cannot even remember all of them.

Ireland was one of the oldest EDEN members and was the first line of defence after UK changed sides and chosen PEACE. Some days ago Ireland decided to hold an referendum about their membership in "The Brotherhood" which was successful and Ireland left.

They will ofcourse fight on the same side but wont be under countrol of EDEN HQ which means a lot, even now when the alliances arent working at all (if you dont understand this ask in comments or send me PM).

Another country is leaving EDEN and its Ukraine. After they were double crossed about Bukovina their CP announced that they will also have an referendum about membership and it will start at 10:00 (local time i presume Time Zone +2 which means eRepublik 00:00) 14.12.2012. until same time 16.12.2012 or 48hrs.

My guess is that Ukraine will leave EDEN and that is the pure reality, I dont like them that much but they are still members of the alliance and they have to be respected

Another country that wants to leave EDEN is Albania. The people of Albania decided to leave this alliance but they cannot as they have nowhere to go.

Turkish problem

Turkey as Turkey always had problems with EDEN members. As EDEN is falling apart they need Turkey to survive. This country is using this pretty well and its sucking blood from EDEN so they are getting what they want without paying.

IMO, the biggest problem is Iran. Although Turkey actually occupied Iran (country that is close to EDEN) there was no normal reaction nor help for this country. So Iran was occupied by its ally (call it whatever you want) for some time and managed to return regions only after they clearly won in RWs after Poland invaded Turkey (yes some of the regions were returned but majority was liberated).

Turkey also attacked another ally Israel and lost all MPPs few months ago which is also another great shameful move. They did this to force "The Brotherhood" to allow them to attack Iran, the country that wanted to join the alliance back then. EDEN has no power to deal with this problem and Turkey will be member since the very end.

What after EDEN?

What will happen after EDEN and were will current members go? Will they join TWO or CoT which will start new alliance war, or will they make new alliance with same politics?

Dissolution of EDEN will have huge influence on eWorlds future and will give us some important answers of what will happen next. Some ex-members of EDEN (like USA) want to join CoT and there are countries like China who would glad join CoT for sure, but on the other side you have Argentina that wont join CoT but would like to be on proTWO side, after EDEN is gone.

What about Turkey? I think they wont get a chance to enter any of the new alliances. And Greece would rather join TWO than CoT but what would that mean to TWO-FYROM relations?

And most important, where will India go?

Indian future in EDEN

As far as I know India is still trial-member of EDEN which is kind of not great.
We deserve to be members but we are weak and not respected. They think that we are just 2x5 resources pack and that is all what they need. But wasnt that what is our enemy supposed to think, not our allies?

Well we can see that our ally Croatia is not even going to return one damn region to us (Karnataka) after so much failed attempts to deal successful RW.

What do you guys think? Something another, perhaps CoT? 🙂