[BaLKaNiCa] The Referents ITW (1/3)

Day 3,736, 02:29 Published in Cyprus Argentina by BunnyQueen

Geilaba my little Baklava friends o/

With last article I could recruit some more referents in each country for our Balkanica project
Our goal remains to build bridges between Balkans countries and maybe someday have an alliance (who knows ?).

To help that,
I sent some questions to those referents so they can introduce themselves and you'll be able to know a bit more about them.

We're all lazy fags on this game, so be tolerant, and cheer us up : D


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.: The Interviews :.


- Ingame achivements: Approximatively 20-25 FP's
- RL achivements: 2 daughters (at least she said they are mine - i don't really care about that.. cost is the same)

Country with which you have boun😛

...or you'd like to create ones:
Montenegro, Skopje depends of bribe...

Why referent:
What working group? No Gold no work! 😛

So let's create our first mission 🙁
Give Goaulds to Hladen so he can work for Balkanica.
You can click on his link and send anything you want : (

"You have successfully donated 0.31 Gold. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account."


I'm a mechanical engineer. In game i'm Archon12 .. i love the game ... i love that you can meet new people and learn about their culture and how they react to war etc...! Also i'm willing to see a Balkan alliance with the southern countries of the Balkans.

Country with which you have bound or you'd like to create ones:
In RL i have friends and coworkers in Turkey and Bulgaria. I generally don't have a problem with Balkan people.

Why referent:
I'm part of this group to represent what Greece stands for in the Balkans. I'd like to see a Balkan alliance kicking ass in eRepublik. Although it needs much work ..... and it will take time but worth a shot!

Indeed it requires a lot of work,
but ain't it worth it ? : (


Haven't achieved much, basic soldier.

Country with which you have bound or you'd like to create ones:
Well, for BIH, Croatia was always best bros in game. So there is that.
As for other, if I can choose, it would probably be Slovenia or Skopje.

Why referent:
I'm not sure. I guess we are all here thanks to baklava, which is nice. Since game is practically dead, I don't seek to achieve much (if anything). I'm here mostly for fun and giggles, if anything happens more out of this - good. 🙂

I guess we're all at the same point in this game. : )


I'm a RL Montenegrin. I'm not really active nowadays, but while I was I played for Serbia and Asteria where I was a member of a few govs and HQs, respectively.

Country with which you have bound or you'd like to create ones:
I'd say I'm mostly tied to Romania, it's a country in which I have a lot of friends and I'm even a member of its best military unit – FAR. I hold no grudge against anyone in the Balkans and most of all I'd love to see revival of the long lost brotherhood of Turbia:

Why referent:
What I'd like to achieve is domination over some other continents which would forge way for a worldwide peace under the iron hand of ruthless Balkan rulers.

One Bogi to rule them All !!


Hmm.. It's my 4th account, so let's say I've done some stuff in this game (irrelevant for sure : P) ; I participated in the creation of Great Divine Russia and Banana alliances : ( ; Is it good ? : D

Country with which you have bound or you'd like to create ones:
I've played for France (sorry : ((), Turkey and Cyprus,
yet I've friends all over the world and I'm still missing referents in Bulgaria and Romania... so maybe I've to work on these two... : D

Why referent:
First, ppl will say "WTF?! Why Cyprus?" ; well, Cyprus is an International community with several players from different origins playing together including Balkans ones.
Now, it's one of my old dreams in this game ; we're here to play and do things different than in RL. If Greece and Turkey can do it, who else cannot do it ? : )

But I still lub U, don't worry : ( 😘

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Thanks for reading !

2nd part will come as soon as I received other referents answers. : )

Share Love
but don't forget,

Protect yourselves : ((


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. : Referents by country : .

Albania : Altinkss
BiH: Brominator
Croatia: Danijel Kralj
Bulgaria: x
Cyprus: Maliopopoubross
Greece: Archon12
Rep. of Macedonia (FYROM): Severrus Snape
Montenegro: Boguhulja a.k.a. Bogi
Romania: x
Serbia: Backoovan
Slovenia: HladenSpricar
Turkey: J211

Honorific Members:
. umitsengul