[Attacked] eUK invaded, Finally

Day 787, 08:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

Wow what do you know we have finally been attacked.
The UK has never lost an original region through invasion, Let's keep it that way.

[Edit - We have never lost an origional region! Poland just had to get through a 2 and a half million, yes million wall - good luck, Oh look now spain is blocked even if we can't attack Poland's German regions we can block spain from attacking anyone forever]

We have been attacking Poland, not through war but through propaganda and insults. There is a phrase "don't poke the bear" We have done exactly this we have annoyed the biggest nation in this game. We should stand ready for a big fight.

Britain have now been invaded by Poland in the South East, Poland with the might of there babies will be a Good opponent but is this the first mistake about Poland. If we successfully defend our regions we can attack Poland with all of our MPP's activated against them. Poland have been very clever again because they can just region swap with Spain so we cannot help to get German and French regions back to there original owners.

Let's Keep the polish out
We stand ready Poland
We thank our allies for helping us to defend our home from the invaders

You can get free gun's to fight with if you have over 80 wellness, you can get these from the IRC

Thing's you can do to help
1 - Move to London
2 - join the Navy so that you can help more and the Special forces if you are over strength 9

Thank you
James Glover