[APP] Infowar: Party Presidential Elections Platform

Day 2,428, 10:04 Published in Australia Australia by Infowar

So the time for the Party Presidential elections have arrived. I meant to release my platform earlier but I have been really busy, I hope that APP members can forgive me for that, but it's better late than never.

I am not going to get overly complicated and make false promises that I don't intend to keep, but what I say I will do, I will probably do. Those who know me know that I usually do what I say I will do, or at least make an attempt.

Political Activity - As you all know there has been a lack of activity in the APP party the past few months, that is now beginning to change. First of all, I intend to make APP one of the most politically informed parties in eAustralia once more. Knowledge is power, and I intend to keep a thread for all the active members in which both myself and the party leadership, and any other APP member will be free to discuss and inform other fellow APP members of changing and ongoing global and domestic political circumstances. A few other members and I are already working in government, so we have a foot in the door in regards to keeping on edge and being informed to the current and future changing political environment in both eAustralia and abroad. This sharing of knowledge I believe will train and prepare members for future cabinet positions within the executive government, and also help members understand what they are fighting for on the battlefield.

Congress and Senators - If we manage to get congress this term, I will be taking these things into consideration when choosing nominees for the senate: a) Younger members who are enthusiastic and making an effort to be active within the party b) Active members who may have not had a chance to be a senator before but have made an effort to help APP activity c) Active members who are deserving of the role due to their efforts made within the party during my term.

Party Leadership Roles - If elected, I won't be choosing members who have been sitting on their hind ends whistling dixie the past few weeks for these roles, sorry to cut the bull... You see, if I appoint members who have been taking a back-seat into those positions it will not benefit or help our party prosper in any way, shape, or form. So if elected I will be appointing members who have made efforts to keep the party alive these past few weeks. However, for those members who were never informed about party activities until recently, there is always a chance for you to step up and get involved with party activities. Anyone who is enthusiastic to help is never turned away, and anyone who shows consistency will always gain positions of power sooner or later, you can take that to the bank.

General Activity - I intend to organize a team to put out competitions for the general public to promote the APP and encourage national activity. Also our Party Platform will also be updated, graphics and logos also updated, and once we have assembled a dedicated team to put things back on track, we will be putting out advertising campaigns to encourage new membership.

So there is my platform for the Party Presidential Election. Whoever you choose to vote for, make sure you vote for the member who you believe will bring APP forward in the right direction. I would like to wish the other nominees best of luck too!