[Analysis] The Parties active in Belgium

Day 791, 11:34 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Apotygma
An analysis of the parties active in Belgium

Congress elections are coming up and Presidential elections won’t follow soon after that. It is important that a good view remains of who we can trust here in Belgium, people that seem to be willing to work for a good and free Belgium. A Belgium without any foreign interference, this doesn’t mean foreigners are not welcome.

The upcoming days will determine how our country will evolve in the upcoming days, and after the results the upcoming months. This first election will determine how strongly we are committed to our country and how strong the foreigners are. IF we cannot win this first election, bad days are coming and our country will be lost again.

I will try to keep you informed of everything going on in the country, the facts we discover, this with hard facts. I will not try to fool you as a lot are doing, I am giving all the parties the opportunity to discuss in the comments and try to inform you of everything they say.

First, a little presentation of the parties that are now active in Belgium.

1 – The council

This party is led by Highst, a well known person among all of you. He’s a member of The Group, the organization that took control of Belgium for a couple of months. For those who don’t know The Group, it’s a Romanian military organization with huge amounts of money. They have hundreds of active players that they can move all around the world. Belgium wasn’t there first shot to take control of a country, they already tried this several times before. Their main interest last time was to use the Belgian population as a human shield against the “threat” of the eUK towards Romania.

Beside using us for this, we also were a cheap way of making money for them. Under the moto: ‘We are stabilizing the monetary market’, they kept taking out money for the state account and donating it to one of their organizations. Those who don’t remember everything, here are FACTS to prove my accusations.
http://www.erepublik.com/en/Belgium/law/20111 (20.800 BEF)
http://www.erepublik.com/en/Belgium/law/20911 (100 gold)
http://www.erepublik.com/en/Belgium/law/20727 (13300 BEF)

They ruined our country by stealing a lot of money, money we could have used to rebuild our economy, strengthen our army, support new players,… We cannot forget what they did. Today THEY ARE BACK ! BE AWARE !

Our current president is one of their members : Grinch85, today Highst is already running for presidency of our country under the party name : The Council.
Don’t fool yourself : they certainly don’t have good intentions.

2 – The movement for Belgium

We don’t know much yet about this party. Only a few things are known for the moment and they don’t give me much hope. We are today fighting for a free Belgium, a Belgium free of all foreign influence. We accept foreign aid, but this party doesn’t seem to be only aid.

For the moment, we can see that they have 7 members, if you check there newspapers and shouts, you will see that at LEAST 4 of their members are polish. Polish, the nationality of the people who conquered half of Europe, the nationality of the most powerful country in the world. Why are they here…

Since the beginning of our freedom, no official article was published. There party is unknown and doesn’t participate in the active political debate going on. We don’t know nothing about them, and as I like to think : NO news, BAD news.

I’d like to give them a shot, please if one of their members reads this : publish an article presenting your views about Belgium. Show us that you are trustworthy. Show that you are willing to work for the greater good and not just exploit our country. Show us that you care about what is going on. SPEAK to the people who will vote for you !

3 – The National Democratic Front

Facts, the highest level members of their party are NOT Belgian. They are :
2 romanian
1 irish
1 polish
1 Lithuanian
1 Swiss

And for the other it is hard to determine, but they are all low levels and thus have more probability of being real Belgians. But the facts are there : a lot of them are pro-EDEN supporters. Read there newspapers, even if you only read the one of their PP you will see. Don’t forget that it is EDEN that is nowadays taking control of nearly whole Europe.

This is also the most active party in Belgium for the moment, and they are the most trustworthy of all. BUT don’t trust them completely, they haven’t proven yet what they are worth. We can read a lot of words in the newspaper, words that are showing good signs. They are indeed asking for a free Belgium, they seem to have a plan, but can we be sure that they are not lying?

Some facts tend to prove that they are foreigners just here to take control of our country. We don’t have a party of the moment that is led by the Croatian that “Freed” our country. The relation if it’s PP with the high EDEN officials, they even admit that he is in close collaboration with them (“in order to prevent us from being attacked”, which is rather surprising as we are surrounded by EDEN, that EDEN paid for the RW, that most of Belgians ARE EDEN, I think everyone will be able to take the right conclusions !).

We may only know when the election starts, what their REAL intentions are (NOT what they are announcing in the newspaper). But don’t be fooled, once we discover it will probably be too late to change something.

Furthermore, some of their members are pretending to be member of the Belgian Revolutionary Party. A party well known to those who fought against the group, and now exiled in the eUK. Until the clear affiliation with EDEN, this party has always been in favor of a free Belgium FOR Belgians, WITHOUT foreigners. Have they changed their minds? Are they also mistaken for the moment? Do they really know who they are working with? We don’t know, clarifications may be in order !

4 – Conclusion

For the moment, no party seems to stand out as a REAL Belgian Party. Two of the parties are really not looking good for a future in Belgium, one is standing on the crossing line. It shows signs of good will in the papers, with real Belgians in their ranks, BUT also clear signs of foreign influence. Isn’t this foreign influence what we especially DON’T want for Belgium? Don’t we want a FREE Belgium?

There statements seem contradictory in certain points. We will have to monitor the situation closely the next few days. New parties may arise, parties may disappear. We are now at a turning point, keep your eyes and mind open. Stay alert. Don’t be fooled easily.

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