[AG] - Where's Camat?.

Day 5,044, 01:23 Published in Indonesia Armenia by Camat AG

Day 5044

Good day Armada Garuda Pilots

[id] Gosipnya minggu ini Camat sedang sibuk RL sehingga sering telat masuk HQ. Untuk itu, yuk mari kita cari dimana keberadaannya.
[en] Rumour has it that Camat is busy with his/her RL I feel so bored and I reckon that organizing a side quest wouldn’t be that bad. Let’s find where camat is, shall we?.

Where is Camat?

Mekanisme | Mechanism:
-Peserta adalah anggota AG | Participants are the member of AG MU

-Ambil screenshot antara kalian dan Camat dalam satu frame | Take a screenshot with you and camat in one frame

-Photo kalian dengan pesawat camat AI-X11 U.A.V. dalam satu frame bernilai +3poin | picture of Camat riding AI-X11 U.A.V. and you in one frame will give you +3 point(s)

-Photo kalian dengan pesawat camat SR-13A LIBERTY dalam satu frame bernilai +2poin | A picture of Camat riding SR-13A LIBERTY and you in one frame will give you +2 point(s)

-Photo kalian dan camat salam satu frame statistik pejuang bernilai +1 poin | A picture of Camat and you in fighter statistics in one frame will give you +1 point(s)

-Laporan lengkap harus mencakup lokasi pertempuran, tanggal pertempuran, kalian dan camat dalam satu frame - A complete report must contain the battle location, battle date, you and camat in one frame

-Laporan harus dikirim melalui form yang tersedia | Report must be made through the designated form report link

-Satu laporan untuk satu pertempuran | One report for one battle.

-Pengumpulan laporan harus dilakukan di tanggal yang sama dengan tanggal pertempuran | Submission must be made on the same day with the battle date

-Setiap keterlambatan bernilai -0.5 poin | Every late submission will cost you -0.5 point(s)

-Setiap laporan yang tidak lengkap bernilai -0.5 poin | Every incomplete report will cost you -0.5 point(s)

-Pemenang berdasarkan peraihan poin paling banyak| Participant who scores the most is the winner

-Quest duration is 5047 - september ends

-Klasemen dan skor tidak akan ditampilkan sebelum durasi berakhir | No standings/scores will be shown before the due to leave participants clueless


1st 50.000cc
2nd 40.000cc
3rd 30.000cc
4th-10th 5.000cc
>10th 5000 energy

Catch Me If You Can


Day 5.044