Ágætis Byrjun

Day 1,103, 08:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Steina

This is my fist article ever, let's start explaining who is me and what are my main ideas.
My name is Sthanley and I'm member of RFA and the army.
The name of this article mean "a good start" in Icelandic (I love Iceland!), and the name of my nespaper means "victory rose".
I also want to thank http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4077187'>Farinhazinho , without him this newspaper didn't exist.
We are passing by hard times, the war is making us spend a lot of money and we are losing territories fast, sincerely, I fear what tomorrow will bring to our people. At moment we are under attack of 3 different countries, their troops are getting nearby London, the solution is to: join the army, it's pretty cool, they help you a lot 😃 and, if you have a lot of money, gold, food, donate to our country, we need it, remember that you're helping yourself and a lot of other brits when you donate to UK.
That's what I want to say for now 🙂
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