
Day 697, 01:42 Published in China China by HKGov

曾偷取我們HKgolden 的Jo Tombs自大選後潛逃e巴西後 發現已回歸中國。
相信Jo Tombs在e巴西 賺取足夠金後 進入Serpentia 。
已知同伴有Oda-Nobunaga, Barry Lynam

Our traitor, Jo Tombs, who stolen Hkgolden, since he gave up our party and escape to eBrazil to earn cash, we didn't know what his planning is.
Now, we discover that he returns to eChina and join another party Serpentia.
Also we find out another traitor and his friends- Oda-Nobunag and Barry Lynam, enter into your party.

Jo Tombs, god is not allow you steal their party, it is unforgivable.