'It's not a jump to the left, or a step to the right'

Day 1,902, 01:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

"Hello eUK, Horice here again to talk to you about the Spamicans quest for Serious Sillyness"

"Unfortunatly due to all the party bickering the poor eUK is getting a bit of a bad reputation"

"But all is not lost, with the passing of Primeminister Big Ant we have a great opportunity!"

"It's time we buried the old way of doing things, the 'sensible way', and started getting silly!"

"I'm not talking about a jump to the left, or even a step to the right, just put your hands on your hips..."

"Oh for feck sake Dan not now? We're in the middle of some serious sillyness here!"

"Now where were we..ah yes that was it..the eUK can still be alright, it just needs a pelvic thrust..."

"and we can drive people like Dan insane. We need somebody to remind them this is just a game...
CptChazBeard's the man for the mission, no, not in another dimension, with voyeuristic intention"

"Remember time is fleeting, madness takes its toll. But listen closely, not for very much
longer I want to take control! I remember that this is a game, drinking those moments
then, the eUK blackness would hit me, and the political void would be calling to me..."

"Dan, we've in the middle of something here, you have to learn it's not always about you!"

"Hi Dan, how d'you do, I see you've met my Party President Horice. He's just a little brought
down because he thought you were the candyman. Don't get strung out by the way that I look,
don't judge a book by its cover. I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm
one hell of a lover. I'm just a Sweet Spamvestite and The Real Spamicans! CP candidate UH HA!.

"Hi eUK, I'm glad I caught you at home, I know you're in a bit of a hurry. I have some words
of advice, ooh I see you shiver with antici... pation!, remember it's only a game, let's all be nice.
Let's just get on together. I'm just a Sweet Spamvestite and The Real Spamicans! CP candidate UH HA!"
