USA Welcoming Committee

Day 818, 11:02 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Ljudi, ovo sam pisao što sam brže mogao pa zato nema komentara o Zvjezdanim stazama.
Registrirajte se na forum eSAD-a na ovoj stranici:

a zatim odite na ovu stranicu (isti forum, ali sam vam skratio put do teme):,19415.0.html

pri dnu stranice odite na REPLY i redom ovo napišite
-korisničko ima u eRepubliku
-link profila
-snaga (strength)
Napišite da ćete se boriti u Londonu i poslat će vam pet Q1 oružja
(i ja sam tako i u roku pet minuta sam dobio

People, I wrote this as fast as I could, so there is no comment about Star Trek.
Register here:

and then go to this topic:,19415.0.html

and at the bottom of the page click REPLY and put:
-nick in eRepublik
-link to the profile
And write you will fight in London and you will get five Q1 weapons (I got them also).