Team Nippon PP Election Candidate!

Day 1,513, 05:25 Published in Japan Japan by Squibeel

Dear Citizens of eJapan and Party Member of Team Nippon,

I'm officially announcing today that I'm running for Party President of Team Nippon. I could tell you what I was before but it's so much easier for you guys to view my profile that i won't bother with that.

I'll keep this short but I'll try to still keep it awesome.

Team Nippon is a great party right now, it's in the Top 1 and has a lot of members, it is however a shadow of its former self, the Imperial Sun Party. I don't plan on doing any name changes or logo changes but what i do plan is to try and bring its former glory.

So what am i fight for here? Above all, I'm fighting for ACTIVITY.
What will I be trying to improve in eJapan as the PP of Team Nippon? The Economy, our Military Re-organization and I will also try and restore our Righteous Nation politics in honor of Reiji Mitsurugi.
Let me be blunt here, I don't care if you people are two clicking or just being silent. I WILL make you participate.

That is all. Make your choice during Election day.

Vote Squibeel for PP of Team Nippon!