Proud&Horny Interview with Ryan Christ

Day 4,691, 15:44 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

Ladies and gents, I have a special one for you today. This is a player who, like me, joined WTP after entering the game within the past year (or in my case, re-entering). Like me, he was quite literally pushed out of the party, and like me, the Feds took him in with open arms, reaping the benefits of the drama that that burning husk of a party churns up on a regular basis. Let’s have a nice chat about our experiences there! But first, some music:

So Ryan, first of all, what have you been doing with yourself since last we were in the same party? It’s good to see you again my man!

Well, I've been pretty quiet. I still read newspapers very frequently and sort of silently build ideas for articles, and I keep up with all of the WHPR stuff and certain writers especially. I really like RF Williams, hcmadman, Melissa Rose, to namecheck a few, those players are able to make pretty interesting articles even when the game is not interesting in itself, which is really important at a time like this. Your articles, too, of course.

Not to dig up bad memories, but let’s recap on WTP pushing you out. Can you summarize that story for us?

Oh man. Well, it started when people in Congress realized that Dom was instructing members of WTP, the party he was president of at the time, to give people American citizenship without consulting anybody or allowing them to be cleared by Rainy Sunday, whose job it was at the time to clear those people. This was obviously, I think, a terrible move, especially since these people generally joined the WTP party after gaining American citizenship. So, a vote came up to blacklist Dom for doing this, which, as what he was doing was awful, seemed like a great idea to me. (A tangent: This was also around the time that it was exposed that he lied about his father dying. He claims that one of the people he listed as his dead father was not his biological father, but rather a father figure to him, but in that case you wonder why he wouldn't have said that in the first place.) Anybody who brazenly breaks the procedures the American people have agreed to deserves to be blacklisted, so I voted yes, along with KingTaco, who was also in Congress under WTP. Pretty much immediately, Dom unfriended me ingame (who does that?), and then Dom had been pushing for a Congress primary process to make the selections for Congress more democratic. I think it was a bit of a messy way of doing things, but in principle, I had no problem with that if the process was actually democratic, but of course, since Dom is a principled, tried and true fascist, it wasn't. Me and KT, for disobeying him, were not allowed to be in the Congress primary, and when asked why, he commented that we were not in good standing, so we left.

I still can’t believe the “members in good standing” nonsense. I have never seen another party do that. I would never dream of doing that as a PP.

Because no other party would do that.

I’m glad I spoke against the IES circumvention, and I’m glad I freed myself from the shackles of that metaphorical Sodom.

In other news, I see you’re running for congress again. Are you ready to Rock&Roll?

Yeah, I would like to be more engaged in the community, and I think being in Congress helps that a lot and encourages me. but I haven't been very active in the media or Discord recently, partially because the actions of WTP made me lose a lot of faith in the game initially, so I understand if I'm not put high enough in the list to make Congress. But I'll probably come back to the Discord and write articles soon either way.

As someone running for congress, I assume you’ve heard at least a little about the CBOD drama of 153rd congress. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Yeah, some thoughts, but mostly inarticulable anger, haha. It's all so bizarre to me. There have already been a flurry of articles about Groot's actions, and many of them have emphasized the importance of being kinda, the importance of community in a game like this, and I agree with all that, but I don't believe for a minute he will read those articles and reflect or change his actions in some way. When you have a corpse of a game like this, there will be a faction of idealistic medics trying to revive it and a faction of parasites feeding on its body, taking it lower and lower until it is nothing but a desiccated skeleton. I digress, though. It is funny the idea of somebody refusing to do damage for a country if they didn't get their political way. Imagine if Washington wasn't selected to be president and said, "**** this! I'm not helping you in war anymore until you give me power!". Obviously things are not as serious as this is a game, but it does help put into context how much these actions are those of a petulant child, and not what can be assumed of those of a grown man. I hope Aeri comes back, but I understand if she doesn't.

And then there's the logs of the WTP congress chats that you leaked and the drama that flowed from your leaving and all, which I find even more fascinating. The way they talk about the Federalist Party is almost comical. We are some sort of boogeyman to them, I think, even though I've encountered little sense of malice towards them while being here. I also think there are plenty of good players in the WTP, I just think that the leadership is so corrupt and so against any type of opposition that it borders on unhinged. Their belief that they have to run in every election against the Feds, run people who are not their own for the sole reason that the Feds lose a position in government is so pathological that you wonder how these people justify their actions to themselves. It really reminds me of that quote from 1984, where O'Brien, a member of the Inner Party of Oceania, talks about power for power's sake.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.

Now onto some more pleasant topics. The Federalist party. Proud&Horny. How long have you been a Fed, and why did you pick the Feds when you left WTP?

I don't know how long it has been since the drama, I think a few months. This quarantine thing means time is a bit of a blur, but I think it's a few months. I picked the Feds because I love the content and demeanor of a lot of people in it, Paul, Melissa, Tyler when he was around, I thought they were upstanding people who set a good bar. It's a good community, from what I've observed.

Is the party still a good fit for you? What do you like about it?

Yes, I perhaps had some idea of going back to WTP after a few months, maybe when Dom had stopped going on a powertrip, but after staying with them, talking to them, it was just a much more fun, relaxed place to be. I'm confident in the party.

And finally, a question that I love asking: What is your Proudest&Horniest Fed party memory?

Just hanging out in the Discord in the early morning, talking with people while drinking coffee, nothing really out of the ordinary, I miss those times, but the longer you're away from them the weirder you feel opening that world back up, I hope I do not have anyone there who hates me for keeping a distance, and I hope I can reintegrate myself back into the community.

Ryan, this has been amazing, thank you for coming on.

Thank you, buddy. Glad to be in the same party again.

Ladies and gents, Ryan Christ.

This is far from that last of me that you’ll be seeing in the news cycle, but in the meantime, here’s some music for the comments:

I feel like we take Elvis for granted these days

Proud & Horny
Vote Fed