Presidential Update - Day 1621

Day 1,621, 16:17 Published in Japan Japan by Squibeel

Hi there everyone! It's been quite a while hasn't it?

This week has been a bit more busy for eJapan and, during this less busy part of my article, I want to congratulate everyone who joined the eJapanese Diet this month.

Every citizen in eJapan contributed to this outcome so we should all be happy about it. I'll be honest with you guys, I'm still not satisfied and thus I'll keep at it but one step at a time.

Now for the updates.

Foreign Affairs:

There hasn't been much changes so far.

We're still approaching other countries and renewing MPPs as they start reaching their expiration date but we are somewhat limited by a certain worldwide blacklist that's been out there.

Rest assured, we won't stop trying. And I'm beating the crap out of Kitarou Yuki everyday to force him to show results.


Congress is back and so are our economic proposals.
The Ministry of Economy has been analyzing our current needs and how much we are making and have come to the conclusion we aren't making enough to support what we need to or plan to fun and as such, besides the last two donation proposals, we have started two proposals to change the VAT of Food and Weapons.
A discussion can be found in our forums and if you are a member/citizen you can even participate:

I know it's a Democracy but I would like to advise every congressmen to vote YES on these proposals.



Military Re-organization is still in progress.

Restructuring and Supply plans for the JSDF are almost complete but we have come to a standstill where we also have started to consider funding the other Military Units. The objective is to further develop our nation's soldiers and improve coordination between MUs.

We're currently throwing ideas at the board to see how we can approach this issue and make it work for everyone.
Our MoD, Auraborus, has started a forum post with some ideas that have been gathered and we're still open to suggestions so feel free to join in if you have any.


Our doors are open again to the outside world and we have started to review every application and accepting those we can.
To the people that are applying I can only ask for patience as we have a lot to consider during each review.

Congressmen can view the Immigration processing in the forums and also in a gdoc that's been going around.

Ministry of Culture and History:

It ends today when the eRepublik clock reaches 00:00. Have you participated yet?

I also want to announce that I'm planning on being a candidate for Country President again and would ask every citizen to consider re-electing me so I can end what I started, which is getting full control of our Country and developing our Community.

Oh almost forgot, before closing this article.

CP of eJapan