Presidential Update - Day 1611 [UPDATED-14:20]

Day 1,611, 11:26 Published in Japan Japan by Squibeel

Hi everyone! I've been intending to do this for a while but due to various reasons I was unable to and one of them you will understand after reading this article.

Foreign Affairs:

Immediatly after getting elected I gathered with my Cabinet and some Advisors and started working on what I planned to do at the start of the term.

We've managed to keep, renew and even get some new MPPs since the start of the term.

The main MPP I was aiming for, Russia, has once again returned to our Military page.
Russia has been a long time friend of Japan, we can't deny it and I'm glad we're able to have them on our side.

Besides that, our Military Units and citizens, shouldn't be able to complain has there's never lack of a battle and they are able to get those parts and energy bars that come with the Daily Mission.


Staying on the Military side of the game.

Auraborus and DankChronic have been working hard on re-organizing our Military and, with some progress being done, they will be able to do a trial run and effectively jump start that rusty machine we call JSDF.
We're also discussing on re-starting the supply system and restructuring it a little.

More will be out soon when they make the official announcement.
There's also a spreedsheat going around and I've had the chance to view it but unfortunatly I lost the link. Clumsy me....


Our economy...
There's not a lot to say on this field. Our Minister of Finance still has a hold of what we had on the National Bank of Japan and meanwhile, since we don't have a congress, our National Treasury grows larger due to the Taxes which eventually also need fixing.

I've taken the liberty, with exReality, to discuss an economic plan that was presented by Geezus and the results can be seen here:


Last but not least, Taiwan and the current region occupation.

Negotiations haven't stopped. Me and Chise have been talking with their government and results seem promissing. That's has much as I can give you for now.

UPDATE: Click on the LINK for the mythical spreedsheet!


I almost forgot. I want to thank DankChronic for staying true to the Empress tradition for his job until now.

We have a new Empress in case you people didn't notice!

Damn shame I'm not the Emperor....Ah well, this is as close as I will get.

That's all for now folks!
Many surprises await us during and after the next Congress elections, I ask that you give it your all with eJapan as a top priority.

CP of eJapan