Open letter to Spanish Congress from eUkrainians

Day 2,110, 08:38 Published in Spain Ukraine by Martyrs of Bucha

Spain, be yourself!

Dear Spanish people!
Honorable Spanish congressmen.

MPP with Ukraine is coming to the end in 7 days.
Slovenia decided not to re-new it:
(Though I want to thank those 10 Slovenian congressmen that supported it.)
Poland even didn't propose renewal today. Dziękujemy, Polska! The way you treat us will be remembered.

The reason?
TWO HQ is selling Ukraine to Hungary for nothing.
Hungary is angry for recent losses and wants to retaliate.
The victim is not CoT country. Not a neutral one. Hungary is ready to take over 'pro-TWO' Ukraine. They can't even wait!

Ukrainian government is willing to give up Ukrainian core regions to Hungary.
Ukrainian government that mastered PTO of 6 political parties in last 4 months!
Ukrainian government that wins elections with HUNDREDS of bots (literally!): (bottom of the page)

Spain, you have your own voice in Latin America!
Your friendship worth a million because you proved to be a trustful FRIEND!

Propose Ukraine a MPP in order to show your support for the future democracy in eUkraine!
Don't think about 10k CC, think about pride!

Ukrainian opposition soldiers (best Ukrainian MUs according to the tournament) will pay you back with full support when needed.
Your proud independent voice will be remembered.
Cuando un amigo nos pide algo, la palabra “mañana” no existe.

Thank you and as a PP I want to assure you that we love Spain, we fight for Spain, we do business in Spain!

P.S. to all Spanish party leaders.
Gibraltar Espanol doesn't support neither ANY political party nor ANY presidential candidate.
We pay taxes and we fight for key Spanish regions.