
Day 483, 11:44 Published in Greece Greece by Che Greco

This is my first article, aimed to promote my candidacy for congress in the upcoming elections.I am running under the Greek Government party because I currently have the same goals is the party, which is to promote the economic development of eGreece.

I support the government's great plan to buy a hospital and have personally contributed to this fund by exchanging a certain amount of gold through the Hellenic Depository.

Although I lost almost half the money I would have by changing in the monetary market I did so for two reasons I find important:

1) I think it is important to have a Q5 hospital in order to allow new citizens to gain experience points by fighting and not having to leave the country
2) I think the currency undervalue of the GRD is a disgrace and can only harm the economy.

I will expand briefly on the two topics:

1) A Q5 hospital can help with healing, and serve as a safety net in case we are attacked, as many citizens have mentioned. However, I think it will be important to sign more MPPs with other countries to allow all new players to up their XP through fighting with our allies.

2) Undervalueing a country's currency only serves one purpse: Increasing exports at the expense of the Greek worker. As a congressman I will not tolerate this, mostly because there is not enough supply to satisfy both the citizens of eGreece and have foreigners take away from us.

Therefore, in order for the currency to increase in value again, without creating artificial inflation, as has been concerned, many people have proposed we slash the supply of GRD in the market, thus raising its value, at least temporarily. This is a very difficult thing to do but I personally plan on buying up at least another 40 gold of GRD from the market (instead of using that money to create a new party). In addition, I think the government can collect gold through the Hellenic Depository after it buys the hospital and do the same thing.

Finally, I want to let people know that regardless of what party they want to belong to or what policies they believe in it is important for everyone to voice their opinion, regardless of what certain members might say. Even though I am running under the Greek Government i strongly encourage others who think they have a better way of running things to let the rest of us know, and not give in to fascists.

We can only be united if we are allowed to democratically express our opinions.

PS There has been concern about writing in English, which I understand because the Turks and Israelis are writing in their native language, but there is no shame to show that we are more intelligent and educated than other nations. Swstos?