How to get more gold into the economy of Israel

Day 584, 22:50 Published in Israel Romania by eliberator

In this game you can work for a salary, or you can do more.
We all know that salaries in Israel are small, but also the prices are kept at a small value.
BUT if you want to be more than others, INVITE your friends, work everyday, train everyday, go to the fights even without weapons and keep your wellness highest as possible.

If you will invite friends you will get 5gold when they are level 6. When you have reached 10 people invited to the game, you will receive a medal of Society Builder.
Do you know that there is a LEGAL babysitting way in order to help your friends reach level 6?
Steps: invite your friends, track invitees, help them with information, donate them better food, or offer them some gifts. If you are short on time to support them with information tell them about me.I'll be happy to help them.

The next way if getting gold is TO WORK EVERY DAY. After 30 days in a row you will get the HARD WORKING medal. Each medal in this game will give you 5GOLD. In Israel I just saw that there are some companies which are hiring with high wages, but they don't care about their employees. They forget to fill the company with raw materials, such as the employees are not able to WORK. If you can't work, please resign, and apply for another JOB. Even if it will be with a smaller salary than you have I can bet that it's better than lose 5GOLD. Also if your company have no money to pay you, you should resign and apply for another job.

Train everyday: that will take you 1wellness / day, but when you reach STRENGTH 5 and strength 10 and 15 and so on, you will be rewarded with a Super Soldier medal. These medals are to be taken only after you fought 1 TIME at least.

Why to fight when you have no weapons? For fun. You can fight for fun and to increase your experience points. But take care with the fighting, Move to a region with a high quality hospital, otherwise you will lose a lot of wellness and this really does not worth. After fighting 1 time you are able to go to the hospital and heal yourself. Hospital will give you 10 times the quality level of the hospital in units of wellness. (ex: a Q5 hospital like Israel have in North District will heal you with 50points, but only after 1fight, and only once a day - erepublik day. Each fight you will have will give you 2 Experience Points. If you are in a good shape you can increase your EP with 8-10 wellness points / day just by fighting. From level 15 and more you also receive gold for level up.

Here you can see the table with level ups:

Keep your wellness highest as possible: When you are keeping your wellness at a high level, usually the employers pay better wages. Why to pay better for high wellness? Because your productivity is better. A citizen with 30 wellness produce half of a citizen with 100 wellness 😉. Unfortunately the employers are unable to select their employees when they join the company, but they can only fire them. If you are low on wellness, and you still want to take hardworking medal and increase skill, take a job, but don't expect raises of salary, you could expect only a FIRE!!! Your wellness could be increased by receiving gifts or eat better food also. If you don't have any friend in game, please donate gifts to Red Crystal send a message and they will offer them back to you.