EZC Newsletter Weekly Report - November 2017 - Volume 1

Day 3,661, 10:04 Published in USA USA by Carlos3652

Easy Company Weekly Status Report

Erepublik's 10th year anniversary brought the best out of everyone and with no surprises, EZC was once again the top Military Unit in the eUSA. With all players trying to hit 40k Prestige Points to get the sweet skin for their planes, and 60k Prestige points for the Tank Skin, and all the EPIC battles happening in Tank fights, you knew this week was going to get crazy.

Tank Damage increased by over 320 Billion (almost 5x) over the prior week while Aircraft Damage increased by 3 (Prior week was 22 million). All in all it was a good week for the EZC men / woman.

Division IV - Top 5 Tank Damage

Division III - Top 5 Tank Damage

Division II - Top 5 Tank Damage

Division I - Top 5 Tank Damage

Top 10 Air Damage This Week (All Divisions)

Spotlight Corner

MrBadDecisions, formerly a Division 1 player until this anniversary event, where he graduated to Division 2. I sat down with him to talk about how he was able to remain in D1 for so long.

"I'm just a guy from Boston who recently came back to the game two weeks ago, I was really active years ago, when I was active on irc and forums. Everyone always told me not to fight, just train because being a power player in D1 is more important than being a weak d2."

A great resource for advice for new and returning players can be found here: (Gnilrap's Article)

Want to be a part of the best military unit in the eUSA? Join Easy Company. It is easy. You get multiple benefits working in Gnilrap's commune. (50% off Q7 Tanks, 400-500 Q1 Aircraft Weapons, etc) plus the members help one another on the shout feed. Food / Tank Giveaways and cheaper than market pricing on goods among other benefits.

Leave a comment, ask questions, and we will answer.