eNorthKorea.net Will Be Going Down Soon

Day 875, 13:25 Published in North Korea North Korea by The Desk of Dear Leader

Just letting everyone know that the domain and hosting for eNorthKorea.net (the location of the forum) will be expiring soon. The owner stopped playing last year and as I knew this time would come eventually, I've basically stopped paying attention to the forum over the past few months.

I have no intention of filling the forum void, as the legitimate North Korean community is so small that almost everything can be handled in an article, PM's, or over IRC. Someone else can certainly establish one though if they think it is necessary, it would just need to be secure so that the privacy of the community would be maintained.

And on an unrelated note, I've reported approximately 150 suspected multi-accounts this week, but we all know how that goes.

That's all.
