Drago Seeks Replacement Minister of Foreign Affairs

Day 591, 15:58 Published in North Korea North Korea by The Desk of Dear Leader
This is an official government broadcast from the Ministry of Information

Dear Citizens of the Glorious Nation of North Korea,

As you may or may not know, our previous Minister of Foreign Affairs, malta_1990, has moved on in his eCareer to embark in a journey with the British Navy. President Drago appreciates all that malta_1990 did for the glorious nation of North Korea, as without him many things would not have been accomplished as quickly as they were.

Unfortunately, this means we are currently without a Minister of Foreign Affairs, as Drago's attempt at filling the position using internal communication did not bring forth a qualified candidate. He is now seeking someone who meets these qualifications:
o Active citizen, meaning in addition to the standard two-clicking, you participate in discussion on both the forum and IRC channel.
o Experienced in dealing with foreign diplomats.
o As the position will be like the majority of the other cabinet positions, meaning you take your position and put what you want into it to get the result you want, you must be a motivated individual who is able to set goals for him or herself.
o A "neutral" mentality, meaning you will listen to ideas from everyone, no matter how wrong they really are.

Fortunately, these Ambassadors are already in place so you would be able to step right in and work with them:
- Singapore (Marc Ladvidicus)
- China (Afanasiy Drago)
- Russia (Zammuel)
- Japan (Dokomo)
- Greece (Snake2513)
- India (AngryGerbil)
- UK (Ares989)
- France (Pax Robotica)

Additionally, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is taking on the duties of Minister of Immigration, so if you do not feel you are capable of fulfilling those duties, you will need to appoint an immigration assistant.

If you feel you meet the qualifications and would like to apply for the position, please message President Drago with your eResume.