An Update on Active Companies and Employees

Day 1,008, 01:34 Published in North Korea North Korea by The Desk of Dear Leader

Did this a few weeks ago, I figured an update was in order. When I last did this on Day 981, we only had Pyongan and Jilin but there was a lot of activity in the country due to it being fresh on the map again. Now we have four of our original territories (Chagang, Hamgyong, Hwangae, and Pyongan) along with Jilin, which means more companies and one would think more activity, but the numbers say otherwise. Anyways, here's some stuff about stuff.

143 Companies in North Korea {+71 / +98%}
9 Active (has at least one employee that has worked this week) {-2 / -18%}

5 Food
2 Grain
1 Moving Ticket
1 Tank

As you can see, while we gained quite a bit of companies from our additional regions, even less are utilized now. While iron companies initially flourished, with the collapse of the tank market worldwide due to all the dupes that flooded it during the hacking, they are now virtually worthless. Several rifle companies also closed down due to the week+ long period without warfare and general lack of demand for the product because of low specialization in that particular military skill amongst active players. There are still no active construction companies.

355 Citizens in North Korea {-242 / -41%}
69 Active Employees (worked this week) {+8 / +13%}

25 Producers
11 Harvesters
10 Marketing Managers
6 Project Managers
5 Engineers
5 Mechanics
4 Technicians
3 Fitters

I suspect we have more active workers than the numbers show because recently Alfagrem's Iron Company ran out of money to pay it's 50+ harvester employees, but still if you compare the jobs held last month to those held now it shows that we've had minimal growth in our job sector and people are more willing to take whatever job they can get that pays them/keeps their hard worker streak going instead of sticking with their specialization like they used to in V1.

Alright I'm done. Good luck tomorrow to everyone running for a Congressional seat.
