A deal between friends for mutual benefit

Day 1,020, 12:33 Published in Indonesia Serbia by PREDSEDNIK eSRBIJE

The governments of eIndonesia and eSerbia have reached a deal about the exchange of territories. It is for mutual benefit. We plan to swap some regions and stay in Malaysia for some time.

The plan is for us to walk through Southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia and reach Sarawak (which eIndonesia will attack and Malaysia retreat). eIndonesia will also get Sabah.

Our goal is not to keep Sarawak, but to reach a titanium region. After we get titanium (in a week or two) we will return Sarawak.

Southern Thailand will also be returned and full costs of the swaps will be payed entirely by eSerbia.

We hope this arrangement will benefit both of our great nations and strengthen the bond we share.

Government of eSerbia