Day 5,927, 18:48 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by kerlc1

Najprej bi se rad zahvalil vsem ki so mi pomagali pri menjavi zlatnikov in posodili zlatnike in tolarje naj jih nekaj omenim: tytlal, apzfpk, Pepowsky, krasevec, Janinjo11, Martin Strecha, Dejan Rackov 1999, ROCAndylau, itd
Tukaj pa je tabela in preračun vrednosti predmetov, ki se jih lahko kupi v VIP trgovini, pri čemer sem upošteval da je cena zlata(G), letalske surovine(ARM) in zidakov za hišo (HRM) 1000 tolarjev, železo (WR) 35 tolarjev, žito (FR) 30 tolarjev, za stopnje od 7 do 10 še ne vem količin in me zanima če kdo to že ve, oziroma če je kje to napisano.
Opis predmeta, količina ki jo lahko kupimo na teden, cena za en predmet, končna cena v tolarjih za en kos.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who helped me exchange gold coins and lent me gold coins and tolars, let me mention a few: tytlal, apzfpk, Pepowsky, krasevec, Janinjo11, Martin Strecha, Dejan Rackov 1999, ROCAndylau, etc.
Here is a table and a calculation of the value of items that can be bought in the VIP shop, where I took into account that the price of gold (G), aviation raw materials (ARM) and house raw material (HRM) is 1000 cc, iron (WR) 35 cc, grain (FR) 30 cc, for levels 7 to 10 I don't know the quantities yet and I'm wondering if anyone already knows, or if it's written somewhere.
Item description, quantity we can buy per week, price of items for one item, final price in local currency for one piece

1.Hit x2 faster for 3 minutes 10x 0.7 G=700cc
1.Hit 50% stronger in Ground Battles for 2 hours 10x 77 FR=2310cc
2.Extends the capacity of your Storage by 1000 Units 5x 227 FR=6810cc
2.+100 Energy 10x 1.4 G=1400cc
3.Add 30% of the Best Damage per Hit in a Ground Battle 10x 56 WR=1960cc
3.+200 Energy 10x 3G =3000cc
4.Used to move factories between Holding Companies 1x 5 HRW=5000cc
4.Increase your Deploy Size by +100% for 10 minutes 10x 129 FR=3870cc
5.Gain +10% more rank points in Ground Battles for 10 minutes 5x 142 WRM=4970cc
5.Extends the capacity of your Storage by 9000 Units 2x 262 WRM=9170cc
6.Hit 20% stronger in Air Battles for 10 minutes 5x 4 AWR=4000cc
6.Hit 100% stronger in Ground Battles for 10 minutes 3x 172 WRM=6020cc
7.+10% Air rank points 5x 9 ARM=9000cc
7.X5demage accelerator 10x 4486 WRM = 157010cc
8.+20% ground rank points
8.+50% Air denage
9.+10%Air influence
9.Vehicle Discharge document
10.+150 Ground Demage
10.+1prestige points

Še vedno odkupujem zlato po ceni 1050 tolarjev, z menjavo podjetij. Če pa mi kdo posodi tolarje ali orožje q7, mu ga vrnem z obresti 3% na mesec (en promil na dan).
I am still buying gold at the price of 1050 tolars, by changing companies. But if someone lends me local currency or a q7 weapon, I will return it with interest of 3% per month.