506 June CP endorsement!

Day 4,942, 18:54 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Greeting all 506ers and all the wonderful chunks of man meat, tutu poodles, and lovely ladies!

Three days ago I opened the 506 CP Primary. It has run the 72 promised hours, and we have a winner! I am glad to announce that sitting president Herr Vootsman has won the 506 June CP primary with 100% of the vote!!

Herr will be nominated ingame as soon as some technical issues on my part are taken care of.

So 506ers, remember to vote Herr Vootsman on the 5th!

Are you interested in doing more with the 506? Or are you looking for more action in EZC? Come join us in 506 discord and EZC discord, talk with us, party like rock stars! Keep a look out for our future media! Who knows what the future holds? But The 506 and EZC will be there to see it! We are all already taking this journey together. This is true regardless of our views and histories. So why not pop in and talk with us, we are stronger together, always. Even if you aren’t interesting in helping out, or even joining the party or MU, we’d love to connect with you.

Also… If you are at all interested in the real-life namesakes of the party and the MU, I encourage you to read up about the 506 Infantry Regiment and its legendary E Company. To get you started, I have included the wiki links to both below.

Here’s the 506th
Here’s E Company