[TIPS] How to buy weapons

Day 1,432, 02:20 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

You just recently inherited some cash from your dead eUncle or you just got bored to fight barehanded and you would like to fight a lot. What is the most efficient way to do so?

Here are some informations based on the eBelgian market.

I will deal with the way to maximize your damage overall.

There are 2 possibilities:

1: Buy food
2: Buy food and weapons

If you are short in money, buying food is the most efficient way (excepted if the market is very special):

Let’s compare the Q5 food and Q5 tanks.

Cost of 10 Q5 foo😛 35 BEF

Cost of 1 Q5 tank and 5 Q5 foo😛 34 BEF + 17.5 BEF =51.7 BEF

With the influence formula:

I = ((R-1)/20 + 0.3) × ((S/10)+40) (1 + FirePower/100)

I: Influence on the hit
R: Value of the Rank
S: Strength

Damage done with 10 Q5 food barehanded = 10 *((R-1)/20 + 0.3) × ((S/10)+40)
Damage done with 5 Q5 food and 1 Q5 weapon = 5 *((R-1)/20 + 0.3) × ((S/10)+40) *2 = 10 *((R-1)/20 + 0.3) × ((S/10)+40)

You see that the damage done in both case is similar. However, the second option is 50% more expensive.


Now, there is another problem. Daily you cannot consume as much food as you want (maximum 240 Q5 food/day). Let’s suppose that you are rich enough and you are hesitating on which weapon you should buy.

If I look at the market, I currently see:

Q1 weapons : 6.85 BEF
Q5 weapons : 35.5 BEF

as 6.85 * 5 =34.25 < 35.5 you could think that it is better to buy a Q1 weapon than a Q5 weapon.

However, this is totally wrong!

There is another thing that should be considere😛 Q5 weapons can be used 5 times while Q1 weapons can only be used once!

Which means that if we consider that the price of Q5 weapons is 35 BEF, here should be the price of other weapons to deal the same damages with 5 hits:

Q1: 1.4 BEF
Q2: 5.6 BEF
Q3: 12.6 BEF
Q4: 22.43 BEF
Q5: 35 BEF

As you can see, it is impossible to find those price on the market.


This was the tips of the day.

State Secretary of Education