[Insert Title Here] 2.0

Day 1,534, 12:19 Published in Japan Japan by Squibeel

First of all, a brief recap of the last article.

• Alliance Alignment & MPPs.
Decide our stance and get MPPs based on that decision.
• War between eRepublic of China (Taiwan) and eJapan.
Find a peaceful diplomatic solution for the war and ask for the help of both EDEN and Terra HQs if needed.
Keep an open mind for every options.
• Population/Economy.
Increase population and improve economy.
• Others.
Get our country back first.

Now for the true purpose of this article. I'll announce the Cabinet that will work with me after elections if I'm victorious. Before announcing the Cabinet I can't stress enough how we are low on active citizens and while this is not the FINAL Cabinet, don't expect many changes. I am however accepting volunteers in case anyone wants to help and my Inbox is never too full for one more PM.

So, here it is:

•Joint Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs.
Sumeragi Akeiko and Chise E. Tamai.
•Ministry of Finance.
•Ministry of Immigration.
•Ministry of Education & Social Development.
Yoshi Kakagawa, Kitsune Usureki, Nozomi and Auraborus.

***Remember that this is a pre-Election Cabinet and changes may still occur.

Names are pretty self-explanatory and I hope you noticed i renamed the Ministry of Culture and History. That's it for now folks!