[MoD] eAustralian Air Program Week 2.

Day 6,028, 12:50 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department

eAustralian citizens.

We are going to distribute the rewards of the week.

eAustralian Air Program


- eAustralian nationality.
- Comment on this article saying that you want to participate.

Weekly rewards:

- 5cc/kill. Maximum 20k cc/week.

If you are not an elite citizen (level 101), the reward is tripled.

Also, we are going to distribute the rewards of the last D4 epic with Moldova.

Zenek helped us, so he will be rewarded.

Don't use all shadow fighter, keep one for another D4 epic at DC next tuesday. I will find a partner.

Thanks all for participate!

APP Document here.

MoD Document here.