Буквально пара слов про экономику.

Day 2,088, 01:33 Published in Russia Russia by Name_1

Пока что понятно только то, что ничего не понятно. Пара цитат.

Income Tax Replaced by Work Tax.

In country A the average net salary paid in the last 30 days is 10 currency and the voted Work Tax for the country A is 10%. In this case, the value of the Work Tax for Work as Manager will be 1 local currency. The Work Tax will be applied for each company in which a player works as manager. Therefore if a citizen owns 5 companies and works as a manager in all of them, he will pay the value of the Work Tax multiplied by 5. If the citizen doesn’t have enough money to pay the Work Tax, he will not be able to start production in his companies.

Теперь посмотрим на китайский JobMarket
И на возможности снижения минималки.

Выкручиваем новый налог в 25%, и получается что при минималке в 1 рубль, работник должен заплатить пять рублей налога.