【海盜報】外電 - [POTeUS] 第七天:例行更新

Day 2,063, 23:39 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Apex Pirate

Comes with mood musik

Good Evening eAmerica, checking in again on Day 7,

First off, there's some interesting reading from our friends in TWO, and some more. And more actually. I hope occupying us isn't causing too much trouble for you, I hate to see all of this internal bickering and power grabbing even if it's our enemies 😁. Would it be wrong to say we told you so~


首先,我們在TWO的朋友有一些有趣的文章,以及這裡,還有這裡。我希望占領我們對你們不會造成太大的困擾,就算是我們的敵人,我也很討厭看到國家內鬥以及權力的鬥爭 😁。如果說我們早就告訴你了,那大概會是個錯誤吧呵呵~

In any case, let's get starte😛

RWs Abound

If you'll look at the map America, you'll see that we have successfully RWed both Louisiana and Texas. This is what the Serbs and others who seem so energetic in the comment section fail to understand. Sure, we may lose these regions again, we may be wiped again before we triumph, but we will triumph. We will not give up, and we will continue to RW our regions, and our allies', this occupation is not sustainable. And soon, sooner than some might think, America will be free again.

For now, let's enjoy having a Country and prepare for what's next.



America on the map, sight for sore eyes~

What's next, right, you guys might have noticed, but there are quite a few RW's going on,
接下來是什麼? 你們可能已經注意到了,不過現在還有起義正在進行。


Many people are confused as to our strategy to break this wipe, and by its very nature it's hard to share right now, but it will become more clear very soon. In general we're perpetuating RWs making life difficult for our occupiers. For specifics, follow the DoD Orders

For now, let's help our CoT Allies where needed until we can open RWs we want in the eUS.

Again, follow DoD Orders and
Long Live America~


很多人對我們這次突破滅國局勢的戰略感到困惑,根據它的性質(譯注:感謝Chise E Tamai糾正),現在不方便公佈,不過很快的會變得明朗。總之我們會持續的起義,讓占領者感到人生過得很困難。更詳細的內容,請參照 DoD Orders(譯注: 看起來是美國的軍令報,有連結可點)。


再一次強調,依照 DoD Orders 行事


Ligtreb is apparently a fan of Buffalos

More is going on in the eUS than resistance wars, and when running I promised a lot of things involving improving America domestically. Well, with the help of my Secretary of Interior, Irule77, I can already show you some of what we're working on.

For one the IRC Incentives Program has been launched quite successfully, bringing players onto IRC and keeping them interested in the game. Interior and I have also been in discussion to reform both B4N and TU2RU to make those programs more efficient and helpful to American citizens. More on that as it progresses.

The Education Newspaper continues to Educate beginning players. All in all, off to a pretty good start on those fronts.

除了起義戰,e美國還有更多事情在進行,我保證在執行的時候,會讓整個美國變得更好。有了我秘書 Irule77 的幫助,我現在可以告訴你們一些我們正在努力的項目。

其中之一,IRC獎勵計畫已經成功的發佈了,把玩家們帶入IRC並讓他們對持續對遊戲感到有興趣。我和我的內政團隊也有在討論改革 B4N 和 TU2RU 讓它們變得更有效率,對美國國民更有幫助。


That's it for now, remember to keep an eye out for the next White House Press Report.

Until next time,

Paul Proteus

