「雞的陰謀」從天而降的金礦 Part.1

Day 1,949, 00:18 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ericnien

Gold Mines hold a deposit of 100,000 Gold. If your citizenship country owns a mine, you can explore it daily and find a variable amount of Gold (up to 40 Gold). The mine can be explored until the Gold has been depleted.
How can my country get it?

Five countries will receive a Gold Mine based on a contest held for 7 days between Day 1952 and 1958. During this period, when you fight in ANY battle your damage will be added to a ranking as damage done by your citizenship country.

In this ranking, the world has been divided into 5 main areas. The country with the highest damage from each main area wins the contest and therefore a Gold Mine. The five main areas are: Europe, Asia, Americas, Oceania and Africa. Please note that the ranking is updated hourly.

The mine will be awarded within 24 hours after the end of the contest and will be located in the real life capital of the winning countries. If the capital is under occupation, the occupying country will benefit from the Gold Mine.

金礦獎勵會在比賽結束後24小時得到,然後出現在贏得比賽國家的「真實」首都(real life capital)。如果首都被占領,占領國會得到金礦利益。
