[無名報]貳〇刊:Ghost Booster

Day 3,046, 04:30 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding




如此腦殘的考慮到這一些,我們公開了Ghost Booster這玩意兒。

從 雞曆 3,046 起,玩家們完成每日任務(Daily Tasks,也就是三擊)時將會獲得一個Ghost Booster。 此物啓動時會給你單下『「在該戰場、該局、同一側的單下輸出(1 hit)最大者之同分區玩家」的30%傷害』


A ) 如在第一局有10個玩家輸出,A玩家是在該局中單擊傷害最大的且每下單擊 1,000傷害。當你啓動Ghost Booster時,會給予你每下單擊 300的傷害。

B )
A玩家使用了Q6武器及100%傷害增幅器造成了每下單擊 18,000的傷害,
而B玩家每下單擊為 2,000的傷害,極限傷害為9000(不考慮100%傷害增幅器)。
當兩者啓動Ghost Booster時,
A玩家可以輸出 18000+2700=20700的傷害,
B玩家可以輸出 2000+2700=4700的傷害。

每個Ghost Booster時效為 1分鐘,此物可以儲存且無截止日期。

- Ghost Booster不能在玩家所屬的國籍的國家側啓動(簡單說就是你不能在台灣方開這玩意兒)
- 必須在戰場的所屬國家之領地才能使用Ghost Booster。(也就是說透過簽訂MPP的小伙伴不能使用)
- 傷害增幅器及火箭筒增幅器不能影響Ghost Booster的最大值傷害,Ghost Booster無法被上述道具加成傷害。
- Big/Small Bombs的傷害無法透過Ghost Booster增加。


We would also like to inform you that the administration stepped in a fraud case affecting tens of citizens and amounting to 10 million Currency. The Currency involved in the scam was returned to the victims and the offender has been permanently banned. We are sorry for this inconvenience and we count on your understanding and cooperation in solving this case.
The safety and trust of our players is paramount to us and, because of this unfortunate situation, the Blitzkrieg Pack will be on sale tomorrow, too.

Thank you very much for you support and if you wish to share feedback, don't hesitate to let us know!