[快電-美俄公報] 心懷鬼胎的熊鷹協議又來了,矛頭挑向太平洋區

Day 2,404, 03:18 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang

[快電-美俄公報] 心懷鬼胎的熊鷹協議又來了,矛頭挑向太平洋區


The brother nations of eRussia and eUnited States of America have shared examplary relations that are the envy of many for a long time. By mutual agreement, the two nations hereby agreed to upgrade the Bear and Eagle Pact of November 2012 to an inter-country organization PACIFICA, in order to further promote peace and stability in their domain.
兄弟之盟如俄羅斯與美國,彼此分享了一個典範般的關係,長久以來受到許多國家的羨慕。在共同協議中,兩國同意升級 2012 年11月以來的熊鷹協議,擴展成一個太平洋國際組織,以促進和平與安定,在他們的勢力範圍下。

The two countries shall agree to support each other fully, accept new members by common agreement and not fight against each other's allies. The two nations will work on a unified approach to World Affairs as they look to combat the challenges in a rapidly changing eWorld.

俄羅斯總統eRussia President:Hryushkin Aleksandr
美國總統 eUSA President:Molly Emma
聯盟共同秘書 Alliance Co-Secretaries: Wild Owl, Syrin

[譯按: 此約議定兩國共同在太平洋區拉小弟、修理反抗者]