RareLit: Second Edition FINISHED

Day 2,378, 17:46 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Now with the second official edition of the Rareonce Literary Contest, I thank everyone who participated in the submissions and the voting.

This round we managed to launch two categories at the same time for the first time ever! A poetry category and a screenplay category. I'd like to give a congratulations to Wraithlock for winning the poetry category of this contest.

The prize for category winners of this round of RareLit was 50 Q7 tanks (Gone up 10 tanks each round since we started!)- next round I hope to see at least two categories running again and to start including runner up prizes. Next round won't start til next week however, gonna take a break this week for Memorial day why not? Early submissions will be accepted though.

I'd also like to thank Roper for designing the flashy newspaper art you are seeing for the first time in this article.

So thank you all again, I hope to see even more participation next week. Til then!

Winning submissions can be read below.

Poetry Category: Ramblings Of A Wise Man

Screenplay Category: Untitled

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