Introduction 2

Day 2,431, 23:49 Published in United Kingdom South Korea by de Medici

Weird introduction 2 XD
Well, as I said in first article...this is kind of unusual way to present anyone, any country, yourself, but I consider this as a necessity. Peoples, in general, hate long articles. Do not like to read them. But, I can’t help myself (considering that- no one can XD ). I hope for your patience and understandings.

“I say, looking in the next 100 years, that there are 2 trends in the World today. The first trend is toward, what we call, Type 1 civilization (a Planetary civilization, a civilization that resemble its power from planet it lives on, Type 2 civilization is Stellar- they consume so much energy they can play with stars. Then we have Type 3- which is Galactic, it use a power of Galaxy, have power like one, and can “play” with entire galaxies. )

Now, by the time you reach Type 2- you are immortal. Nothing known to science can destroy Type 2 civilization. Comets, meteors, earthquakes, even a Supernova. A Type 2 civilization would be able to survive even a Supernova! The danger is a transition between Type 0 and Type 1. And that’s where we are today!

We are a Type 0 civilization. We get our energy from dead plants (oil etc). But if you have a calculator, you can calculate when we will obtain a Type 1 status. The answer is: in about 100 years. We would become Planetary. We would be able to harvest all the energy outputted of the planet Earth. We’ll play with a weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, anything planetary- we will play with. The danger period is now. Because we still have the savagery, we still have all the passion – we have all that sacral fundamental ideas circulating around, but- we also have nuclear weapons... we have chemical, biological weapons, capable of wiping out the life on Earth.

So, I see 2 trends in the World today. The first trend is toward a multicultural, scientific, tolerant society. And everywhere I go, I see aspects of that birth. For example- what is the internet? For me, the internet is a beginning of a Type 1 telephone system. A planetary telephone system. So we are privileged to be alive to witness to a birth of Type 1 technology. What is English? English is a beginning of a Type 1 language. Everywhere I go around the Earth- people speak English. Because that is language of science, technology, business...And- what is the European Union? The European Union is a beginning of Type 1 economy. European country’s, which have slathered each other ever since the ice melts, a 10.000 years ago, they have bounded together, putted a side their differences to create European Union. So, we are witness of a beginning of Type 1 economy as well.
Also, sports...Take a look at the Olympics, take a look at soccer...

So, whenever I open the newspapers, every headline I see- points to the birth of Type 1 civilization information’s. However, every time I open the newspapers- I also see the opposite trend as well. What is terrorism? Terrorism in some sense is a reaction against the creation of Type 1 civilization. Now, most terrorist can not articulate this, they don’t even know what the hell I am talking about, but what they reacting to is not modernism, what they reacting to is a fact they are headed toward multicultural, tolerant, scientific society and that’s what they don’t want. They don’t want science- they want a theocracy. They don’t want multiculturalism- they want monoculturalism..Now, which tendency will win? I don’t know. But I hope that we will emerge as Type 1 civilization.

Now, in outer space, we look for signs of intelligent life, civilizations like Type 1 should be common placed in the galaxy– so far we find none. Some people assume therefore that Type 0 civilizations are rather common. But, only a few of them maked to Type 1. Because that society for the first time in its history have the ability to make planetary suicide. So, maybe that’s the reason why we don’t see aliens in outer space? Maybe they never made it. Maybe one day when we will have star ships and visit them, we will see atmospheres that are irradiated- cause they had a nuclear war, atmospheres too hot- cause they had runaway green house effect...etc...”

Michio Kaku