Farm Aussies medal will start soon

Day 5,918, 03:20 Published in Australia Greece by Warrioir of Justice

As you might know, i will start my Kangooroo Journey in March-April 2024. So all Aussie citizen who plan to participate in air Australian TWs must be warned that their medals are not safe. Unfortunately arrogance must be punished and i am really do not want to do this but a i have no other choice. Justice will WIN as always and i'm just blind weapons in HER hands.

However if you feel unsafe and do not support actions of your government you can write me and i will exclude you from my list. Again life of innocent citizens is always my priority.

Initially i expected to start 0 of 1000, after i finish my 0 of 100, someone told me it would be hard, here a lot of good fighters, blah blah blah, but i am doing my current mission way ahead of my plan, and it's even easier then Swiss or Italy, i hope you will not dissapoint me in this spring when real fight starts 🙂