[МИ] Велики TWO турнир у haxball-у

Day 2,097, 13:04 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ministarstvo informisanja

Поштовани грађани, пред вама је нови број "Службеног гласника".

Замољени смо од стране TWO да ово промовишемо, а услед недостатка времена добићете сажету верзију на српском, док о осталим детаљима можете сазнати у тексту на енглеском који ћемо у оригиналу објавити.

У овом издању сазнаћете све о светском првенству у haxball-у које организује савез TWO. Такмичење ће се састојати из два дела:

* Први део - првенство државе
Свака држава има слободу да организује свој шампионат како жели. То може бити “нокаут” систем, лига (па евентуално неки “фајнал фор”) или формирање група, па даље укрштање група у нокаут фази.

* Други део - завршница турнира
Прваци држава међусобно играју по “нокаут” систему за титулу светског шампиона.

Утакмице ће се играти “3 на 3”, а свака екипа може да има највише 5 чланова.

Тако да уколико сте заинтересовани да заиграте на великом турниру у haxball-у, окупите своју екипу, одмерите снаге прво са својим суграђанима, а можда после и са екипама из других држава. За заинтересоване остављамо и оригинални текст на енглеском који садржи све детаље који вас можда занимају.

-Basic Idea
-How you can help


Hey everyone,

Some of you I have already spoken to but for a few of you this whole idea might be new information. I’m Ayame Crocodile and I’m the dSoFA of TWO for this month. As part of this I am organising a competition for all members of TWO/ACT countries to join in. This document is a guide for ministers and CPs about how the tournament will work and how you can help and get involved.

Haxball: http://www.haxball.com

If you have any questions you want to chat about you can contact me on irc: ACroc

Basic Idea

I want to keep this as simple as possible so this is roughly how it will work.

The tournament will be in 2 stages, The first will be the national competitions (this is where I will need your help). This stage will be for teams from the same country to play each other until there is a national champion. Then we will have the second stage which I can run entirely on my own (unless anyone would like to help a bit more) which will be the knockout stage where each countries champion team will represent their country, right up until a final where the last two teams will play for the TWO World Cup.

Teams will consist of no more than 5 players, And games will be 3 v 3. You can run your national tournament however you like, So either group, league or knock out style. Just so long as there is a national champion by the end of the month.

If you will need help running your national championship please don’t hesitate to ask me.


Only the red date must be followed, the rest are just advised. Those in Green I will be doing so don’t worry about them.

16th - 18th
National Articles Published and Teams can start registering
Registration for Teams closes
23rd - 30th
National Competitions
National Results
Draw for the Knockouts
2nd - 7th
The Final

How you can help

You are probably now thinking what it is you should do to help out and how you can organise your national tournament. Well I want to make it as simple as possible for you to do so here is a quick list of things to do.

-Translate and publish the registration article template article from the next section
-Promote the article and keep track of which teams are registered
-Decide if you want a Group stage or Knock out tournament (if you get a lot of registrations might be best to do knock out, if you get just a few then do a group stage, but it’s upto you)
-When registration is over and you have a list of teams, message me (Ayame Crocodile) with the team list and if you want a group stage or knock out. I will then make an image of the matches to be played and which teams will play each other.
-Publish the second article and contact the team captains about their games and ask them to arrange a time to play each other.
-Either get the teams to record the scores in messages to you or comments on the article and keep a record of them.
-Message me the final results from all games if you need help with graphics to show who won.
-Make sure to message me the winning team from your country by the 31st of this month.

If you need help with anything please let me know, I can make you graphics and template articles for any of this if you need the help. or if you are really struggling I can also help in running the competition so long as you can publish just 2 articles in your country to help me.

Welcome and yes you read it right, TWO are having a tournament to find out which nation can win the eWorld Cup!

Ayame Crocodile, the new Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs for TWO, along with Ministers for Home Affairs, Culture and Entertainment from many TWO and ACT nations are organising an eWorld Cup to bring a little fun to TWO citizens and to bring us all closer through some games and competition.

The competition will be very simple and of course will be played on haxball, each country will have their own national competition between teams to find the champions of each nation.

Games will be 3 v 3 on the large pitch of haxball.

The winners of the national competitions will then represent their country at the Knockout stages of the eWorld Cup until we reach the final and find out which Country and Team will win the first TWO eWorld Cup!

Different nations may choose different systems to find their champion, Knockout style or Group. This is in case there are a lot of teams registering in some countries.

Here in the eUK if we get over 8 teams register we will do a knockout stage, if we get less then we will do a Group stage with perhaps a final.

Teams are limited to 5 members, 2 of which will be substitutes in case another member cannot play. Only 3 players will play in each game.

So if you want to have some fun and represent the eUK in the eWorld Cup sign up now!

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[МИ] Велики TWO турнир у haxball-у

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