Кукуруз / Corn fields

Day 2,419, 13:49 Published in Thailand South Korea by de Medici

Седимо тако.
Каже лик..."У слободно време, ето тако, одем брт да прошетам кера. Тако, уз њиве, све до мотела. Хтео сам у свеску бележити. Први пут- биле су изоране. Следећи пут- курузи до колена. Наредни пут- преко главе ми. И онда их више није било. Спаљени, гареж. И оде моја 31. година тако... И то је све што памтим. Курузе у три етапе. Толико сам имао времена за себе. А деца ми к'о и ти курузи. Тако исто расту. А у њиховом одрастању- утичем таман толико колико сам везе са тим курузима имао."
Туга брт. Питао сам га "Што те нема?".
Куртоазно више. Исто питање које и мени постављају. Јуримо тако новац. Чему? Једнога дана, на издисају, окренућемо се иза себе- и у шта нам прође живот?
Кметови. Робови најобичнији. Фукара.

I had a guest today. Good friend. Long time no see. I ask him the same question that many friends ask me too: “Where are you bro, why we do not see each other more often?” Pure courtesy. I know the answer.
But, he said something...he sai😛
“You know bro, in my free time, I use to walk with my dog all the way to a motel (2 miles away from our village) along corn fields. First time I went to walk, the fields were plowed...Next time, corn was up to my knees. Next time, over my head. Last time- there was no corn. Just burned fields... And that’s how my 31st year have past, that’s how much free time I had. And my children’s...like those corns – growing up like that. And in their growth I have same influence and presence like in growth of those corns. None.”

So...That’s it. Chasing money, for our children’s, for our selves. And children become adults, and then they go away. And you do not know your children’s, not truly. And time comes, on the exhale, you will look back at your life, and what will you see? Slave of money, slave of whatever... Idiot...your life has past away, and all you have chase really is a way to loose yourself- and all you have done is that you really didn’t have a life. You have been slave. All time long...