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Misija 3/3 Stariji novinar + Podjela hrane

51 Day 2,559, 09:25 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Jos ovih 25 komentara i necu vas smarati vise 🙂
Prvih 25 koji u komentar napisu broj glasa dobijaju hranu.
Ako neko hoce moze i donirati (Endorse) nesto cc-a za podjelu 😃


Last 25 comments people 😉
First 25 who

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Misija 2/3 Stariji novinar + Podjela hrane/tenkova/cc/ZAVRSENO!

58 Day 2,559, 01:45 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ajmo ponovo 25 komentara 🙂
Ne znam sta da vam dijelim ovaj put pa napisite u koment broj GLASA i sta zelite:

3)CC (RSD)


Here we go again, 25 comments 🙂
I don't know what to send

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Misija 1/3 Stariji novinar + Podjela tenkova/ZAVRSENO!

26 Day 2,558, 07:21 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Novih 25 komentara ali ovaj put podjela tenkova. Prvih 25 koji napisu nesto u komentar dobijaju Q7 tenk 😃
Usput mozete i donirati nesto para pa da svako dobije vise tenkova.


25 new comments 😃 The first 25 who write

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25 komentara za misiju + podjela hrane/ZAVRSENO!

53 Day 2,555, 09:43 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dajte tih 25 komentara pa da idem odmah na drugi clanak 😃

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