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Trecand de aparentele si lucrurile efemer din jur, viata se ascunde chiar si acolo unde nicodata nimeni nu a ajuns nici macar cu gandul.

One more medal, ganduri de dupa mai bine de trei ani de joc

13 Day 2,842, 06:13 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Joc deja de mai bine de trei ani aceasta platforma online si din cate poate vedea oricine am adunat dea lungul timpului o pleiada de medalii. Cu toate acestea din aceasta colectie lipsesc cele de presedinte de tara sau de congress. De acea ma

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Running for Congress running for glory

12 Day 2,310, 22:26 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I would like to ask you if you would like to have a country with alies and couple more terotories, with great economy and and a good jobs and help from high level players for the beginners, well just give a vote of confidence for ion m cerga, and

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Rozetka ala Midăl-ist (Priza în orientul apropiat)

2 Day 2,004, 19:05 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

De fiecare dată când aterizam pe alt continent decât cel european, descoperam locuri noi, oebiceiuri, mentalități și alte mici detalii care îi deosebeau pe locuitorii acelor meleaguri de noi cei mici, frumoși și scumpi din sud-estul european … read more »

lucky strike, between fake and deep feelling of being

2 Day 2,000, 16:53 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

There is a big question which look for our person from that early moment of our birth, what's our propose on this round earth. Diferent culutures offers diferent types of behavior to reach the happyness, the peace of mind and soul. Meanwhile the … read more »

Voteza-tara in care vrei sa te intorci

7 Day 1,991, 11:47 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Candidez pentru postul de presedinte al emoldova. Emoldova este intro anumita masura proiectia spatiului gegrafic ocupat de o tara in forma unui strugure din sud estul europei. Imi propun sa cuceresc vreo doha trei rgiuni din est cu aliantele

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