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End of journey . . .

23 Day 4,055, 12:57 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hey ya to everyone ,

I'm writing today my last article on this game. Almost 7 years ago i started a journey that i never tought it gonna last that much , and must thanks to a lot of people for this. I'm gonna try to enumerate few of them:

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Prazul bradului , bradul Prazului . . .

31 Day 2,953, 14:09 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

O praz frumos, o praz frumos...
Cu frunzele-ti in verde
Tu esti tovaras credincios,
Speranta nu ne-o pierdem.
O praz frumos, o praz frumos
Verdeata ta ne place
O revedem, ne bucuram
Si veseli ea ne face.
O praz frumos, o praz … read more »

Ce te . . . mibule

43 Day 2,576, 17:49 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ce te agiti mibule ,
Fara CO`uri , fara damage,
Cu soldatii la pamant?
- De ce nu m`as agita
Daca trece presedintia mea
Zidul scade, zidul creste
Si punctajul se mareste.
Bat dusmanii cu putere-n noi
Si soldatii mi`i alunga
Bat dusmanii

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Paine gratis / Free food

71 Day 2,573, 07:44 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Pentru ca Pluto e generos si mi`a dat o misiune , iar eu nu sunt un bun scriitor:

Ofer cate 100 de paini q4 primilor 25 care lasa un coment la articol. Daca nu doriti painile , puteti lasa link`ul unui prieten care stiti ca are

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Black Friday

28 Day 2,565, 01:47 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Toata lumea stie ca azi e Black Friday . Ce vreau eu de la voi , nici mai mult nici mai putin decat 25 de commenturi reduse cu 99% 😃

Long live Pluto and his mission.

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