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By the Grace of Korean Jesus I Bring You Forth an Explanation

4 Day 5,036, 09:08 Published in North Korea North Korea First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Hear the Holy Words of Korean Heavens, my brothers and sisters,

1.) These changes, oh Lord, what do they mean for us?

It means that the old ranks have been revamped :


Old ranks now stop at the General* and new

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Endorse in the Korean Jesus name

6 Day 4,907, 00:26 Published in North Korea North Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Korean Jesus casts his blessing upon on all the infidels who endorse his will below this aritcle!

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Mission II

25 Day 4,010, 01:19 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I'll make it brief:

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Playing with Numbers

13 Day 2,523, 03:34 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I did some calculations to get a better overview over all this cumulative numbers of the new tournament.

I made this table to evaluate the absolute numbers and to see how much I'm willing (and able) to invest in this tournament.

As you can … read more »

New Missions

11 Day 2,345, 00:06 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Mission 292 - Search the Forest 1/4: Tracking
Description: You need to catch the Evil Bunny before you can beat him. So today's daily task is: learn to track … read more »