Xibbard; Food Program

Day 2,244, 04:32 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

A few days ago somebody told me that Xibbard (an eNL player) wants to start up a program that can gives food to starting players. The program has as purpose to help starting players in their first days, so they can develop their own companies and become bigger and stronger in a shorter time.

I asked Xibbard three questions, if you have read this article and there is still something unclear you can always PM Xibbard.

When did you got the idea to do this?
I got the idea a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to help smaller players to grow, but don't spend too much experience on factories, I started building Food-Factory's I have 14 Q1 Factory's so I can make food and sent it to smaller players.

How does it work exactly?
How it works: you send me a PM, in that PM you say why you want the food and a bit about yourself, and every day I will sent 100 Q1 Food your way, it's really easy! Read more on our Forum.

Have you got something left to say to the readers of 'The Eye of Tomorrow'?
What I want to say to others: Don't be shy! Help one another! Start small projects to help others! You are not the only one on e-Republic! we are all in this game together, let's make it fun!

like stated in the Forum-Topic: Help is welcome, I have a couple job-opening's to increase production, Donations/Investments are welcome as well.

Like I said before if anything is still unclear you can always PM Xibbard

Like always please vote and subscribe to my newspaper, I really appreciate that. Also I'm still searching those columnists for my newspaper, So if you are interested please PM me!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror