World News (Congratulations TUP and Mr Woldy)

Day 686, 01:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

UK - Congratulations to Mr Woldy who was been supported by the TUP and PCP party which fought strong opposition from GLaDOS and his seven parties. Mr Woldy has always been an active member of the UK and the forums ( which you should all get on if your not already).

Many things have taken place within the last 24 hours TUP has become the largest party overtaking the UKRP with almost 600 members. GLaDOS has gone to eGermany. His final message as CP -

TOP Ten ranked countries

1 - Hungary - It was a very close run between two canditates for the job as the new CP but it was just won by Kolozs for the Magyar Hazafiak Partja (im assuming Partja means party), he just managed to win my about 200 votes which is only 5% diffrence because of there large active population.
Kolozs is from MHP, but he was supported by KARD too, the second largest party - that makes it even more interesting how close the results were. The turnout is also the highest of all times.

2 - Indonesia - Bong was the clear winner in this election with a massive 55% of the total votes which is 40% better than his nearest rival. this is probably because one of the parties supporting him has our flag on it.

3 - USA - In the USA the voters are behind there current CP Gaius Julius but he is currently under investigation so no idea how this is going to turn out.

4 - Russia - The new CP is MoredanKantose for the Free Russia Party, this is a great achievement because this player has only just made level 19 which is very impressive. He also received twice as many votes as his closest rival.
MoredanKantose is from the Cossacks party and was just supported by FRP, he's by the way an English-speaker so his victory is a great triumph.

5 - Romania - JoaoSatan for the Partidul Liberal party

6 - Spain - taguaro for the Partido Forocoches party

7 - Poland - DeJot for the Partia Wolnych Ludzi

8 - Serbia - desert hamster for the Srpska Konzervativna Stranka - supported by nine parties but could only manage 60% of the total votes'>

9 - Finland - who now currently have most of Norway's regions (only 250 Norwegian citizens are still alive)
CP - Urokhtor for the Liberaali Edistyspuolue party

10 - France - Lyne Faynel for the Parti Social Democrate

Thought i would also mention Australia because there elections were close just 20 votes splitting the top two players
"Patti11 beat the current Prime Minister Melchizedek Smith by just under 20 votes in the country's closest ever election!"

Thank you for reading

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If I have missed out any important information about you country or otherwise please sent me a message and i will edit it in.